This page lists the bugs that are known to exist in StrongED. If you have seen a bug which is not described here, or have more information on the less well-defined bugs, please feel free to contact us.
- Gets illegal window handle errors when colour picker used in global choices.
Seems to be because sometimes invalid window handles are passed to FindWindowType. When an attempt is made to find the owner of one of these windows (using Wimp_SendMessage,19), the SendMessage call complains. Tentative fix: use XWimp_SendMessage and say that the owner's task handle is 0 if there is an error. (fixed in 4.62)
Colour picker problems should be completely fixed in 4.64
- Python files loaded rather than being run (reported and fixed by Tim Howarth).
Fixed by adding some !s to the Modewhen file's Python entry. (fixed in 4.62)
- Python has the same one-line comment as C mode (reported and fixed by Tim Howarth).
Fixed by adding an Endwith NL. (fixed in 4.62)
- News mode window opens 1 pixel too narrow so it needs a horizontal scroll bar; basemode window opens fine
(reported by Mark Scholes).
This is because the default view width is big enough for a standard 80-column view but NOT big enough for the News mode's width, as by default this mode has visible line ending markers. Solution: set default window width a bit bigger (fixed in default options for 4.62)
- When things are set up in Global Choices e.g fastchar or not, and Ok or save is clicked, the texts are not redrawn.
All open views are now redrawn when the global fastchar option is changed (fixed in 4.62).
- No entry for LaTeX in Modewhen (reported by Carl).
Fixed in 4.62.
- Coredumps could never happen (reported by Carl).
Fixed in 4.62.
- News mode wrapline marker doesn't appear with RO4. Seems to be the sprites issue again.
Fixed in 4.63.
- Typing /// in c mode kills StrongED - a bug in the commenting code I think
(workaround is to add Endwidth NL to SyntaxComment in modefile).
- Fails to redraw sometimes, especially with C++ style comments
(reported by Peter Naulls).
- Redraw problem with mail files that are processed by Newsbase. Load into C mode, press cDown, error generated at &28584 (in 4.60) but suppressed in 4.61. Screen update doesn't happen. No difference with Fastchars on or off; only seems to happen in C mode (reported by Philip L). This is the C comment problem again apparently.
- All of the above seem to tie in with a bug in the comment code. They should all be fixed in 4.64
- Move a choices dialogue partly off the screen and click a different radio icon (reported by Carl).
Fixed by setting the 'allow off screen' bit in the templates. (fixed in 4.64)
- Block sorting gives an abort in some cases
(reported by Richard).
Fixed in 4.64.
- Cannot load files with names longer than 91 chars (reported by Detlef).
Fixed in 4.64.
- Search string <{~";"}"FN_ForceDebug" seems to hang StrongED (reported by Carl).
This is no bug at all. The NOT expression (~) does not advance the search pointer, so if the first character is not a ";" then it keeps testing it forever.
- Create a LoF for a dump file, click on one of the LoF lines and then close the text. When you now move the cursor in another text an error occurs (abort on datatransfer at &00025c04) (reported by Fred Graute).
Fixed in 4.64.
- Dragging a file to an open view sometimes fails (reported by Fred Graute).
Fixed in 4.64.
- Help on Advanced search in the searchbox also changes if you move the pointer over icons belonging to other applications (reported by Fred Graute).
Fixed in 4.64.
- Clicking on the 'Name' label in the Savebox produces an error (abort on datatransfer at &0001ee0c).
Fixed in 4.64.
- Borders of Toolbar icons not drawn correctly if sprites not found (reported by Fred Graute).
Fixed in 4.64.
- Saving a (large) LoF results in an error (abort on datatransfer at &00028f08) (reported by Fred Graute).
Fixed in 4.64.
- When you use EndOfExpr for a syntax colouring group and a line of text contains more than one match for that group then only the first is coloured correctly (reported by Andrew Black).
Fixed in 4.65.
- Reformatting multiple layers of quoted text goes wrong when '> ' (Messenger's default) rather than '>' have been used as the quote characters (reported by Harriet Bazley).
Fixed in 4.65.
- When not in fastchars, in BASIC mode, a white block is shown after lines ending with a quote (")
Fixed in 4.65.
- If an external edit client sends an EditCursor request. cursor is not moved to the desired location (reported by W. Simpson).
Fixed in 4.65.
- When StrongED replies to a Message_DataLoad it canonicalises the path name, but the message size is not adjusted accordingly (reported by Philip Ludlam).
Fixed in 4.65.
- When a text contains multiple copies of the same word, all misspelled in the same way, then trying to correct them one after the other from the spell box only works for the first one (reported by Harriet Bazley).
Fixed in 4.65.
- If the caret is inside a misspelled word and you move it (but stay inside the word) and then drag something over the list of suggestions it is not redrawn properly, all suggestions disappear (reported by Fred Graute).
Fixed in 4.65.
- Redraw code crashes if BaseMode requests a bitmap that is not present (reported by Carl).
- Fixed in 4.65. If font not found then FastChars is turned off.
- StrongED fails to start up on machines with lots of memory (128 MB+) (reported by Edward Lord).
Fixed in 4.65.
- Load StrongED's RunImage and place the caret at the start. Make sure the option 'Force caret inside view when scrolling' is turned off, and then scroll down to &9c70. You'll see a echo of the caret (reported by Philip Ludlam).
Fixed in 4.65.
- Taskwindow doesn't always work; causes StrongED to crash before fully loading when you do a CTRL-F12. Not repeatable, but common case is StrongED in 4.$.Apps (hence already Filer_Booted and added to Resources). Error is 'taskwindow may have gone wrong' (reported by Mike Gilbert).
Crash happens when the StrongTask module tries to OS_CLI a taskwindow. Guttorm says it's an Acorn bug.
Fixed in 4.65 (This *is* an OS bug but a work around has been found).
- FindNext function (Ctrl-N) ignores the case flag set in the interactive search box (reported by Harriet Bazley).
Fixed in 4.65.
- Following ADRs that point backwards doesn't work as expected (reported by Fred Graute).
Fixed in 4.65.
- If a module's offset to the SWI table is outside the module then an abort occurs when you click on LoF-icon (reported by Fred Graute).
Fixed in 4.65.
- Caret disappears in Dump mode (ASM display) when moving to an address that isn't a multiple of 4 (reported by Fred Graute).
Fixed in 4.65.
- Entering F2, F1, Esc in quick succession results in a terminal error (reported by Philip Ludlam).
Fixed in 4.65.
- Opening a savebox using F3, and then another using menu leaves first savebox dead. It can't be closed or deleted (reported by Chris Terran).
Fixed in 4.65.
- Last word in a text sometimes gets coloured (reported by Philip Ludlam).
Fixed in 4.65.
- Clicking in a LoF for a module moves to the wrong address if the LoF is sorted (reported by Fred Graute).
Fixed in 4.65.
- StrongED hangs when AutoSave list contains comments (reported by Fred Graute).
Fixed in 4.65.
- BASIC files which have over-large line numbers are silently truncated (reported by Daniel Moyne).
Fixed in 4.68. Now warns when line numbers are too big.